An early report from Caleb's temporary foster home: We're having "camera issues" again. sigh . . . Working on it. Caleb is getting his 2nd bath tonight. Since I think he had never had a bath before coming here, you can imagine how dingy he was, and actually still is. But he's a very good boy.

Is he feeling better? You betcha! He's a wonderful, affectionate, expressive dog. He and Butter (my 6 y.o. yellow Lab X Red Bone Hound) are best buds. They hang out for hours together outside. He's a real tail wagger too.

He had obviously been an outdoor dog before he came here. Knew what a doghouse was, but not a dog biscuit. That was quickly remedied. And he's doing great on not lifting the old leg in the house too. He started to lift that hind paw a couple of times and I said, "Caleb, No!" and he caught on really fast.
He really has a beautiful temperament, very sweet. Not very interested in the cat either. I suspect he's seen them before.
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